Tana, una joven de catorce aos, acaba de enterarse que es descendiente de una larga lnea de fuertes mujeres tanas. Pero, le ayudar esto a traer paz y justicia a su familia y comunidad?
Fourteen-year-old Tana just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Tano women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
A pesar de su nombre, Tana Prez no sabe nada de su herencia tana, ni ha intentado nunca aprender. Al fin y al cabo, cmo podra ayudar la historia antigua de Puerto Rico con todo lo que est pasando? Hay constantes problemas en la escuela y en su barrio, han echado a su hermano mayor de casa y, como su madre est trabajando, le toca a ella sola cuidar de su hermano pequeo y de su abuela anciana. Es mucho para una nia de catorce aos.
Pero la vida da un giro radical cuando su abuela le dice que es descendiente directa de Anacaona, la bienamada lder tana, guerrera y poeta, que fue asesinada por los espaoles en 1503. La abuela tambin le regala un amuleto y un cem y le dice que ha llegado el momento de asumir su poder como las mujeres que la precedieron. Pero es eso posible? La gente como ella apenas consigue salir de sus circunstancias, y los problemas de su hogar y de su comunidad son mucho ms grandes de lo que Tana puede manejar. O lo son?
Un relato moderno intercalado con captulos histricos, Claro de luna ofrece a los lectores una poderosa historia de lucha, esperanza y liberacin colectiva del pueblo puertorriqueo y tano.
Despite her name, Tana Perez doesn't know anything about her Tano heritage, nor has she ever tried to learn. After all, how would ancient Puerto Rican history help with everything going on? There's constant trouble at school and in her neighborhood, her older brother was kicked out of the house, and with her mom at work, she's left alone to care for her little brother and aging grandmother. It's a lot for a fourteen-year-old to manage.
But life takes a wild turn when her abuela tells her she is a direct descendant of Anacaona, the beloved Tano leader, warrior, and poet, who was murdered by the Spanish in 1503. Abuela also gives her an amulet and a zemi and says that it's time for her to step into her power like the women who came before her. But is that even possible? People like her hardly make it out of their circumstances, and the problems in her home and community are way bigger than Tana can manage. Or are they?
A modern tale with interstitial historical chapters, The Moonlit Vine brings readers a powerful story of the collective struggle, hope, and liberation of Puerto Rican and Tano peoples.