Caballo de Troya 6: Hermn / Trojan Horse 6: Hermon

Caballo de Troya 6: Hermn / Trojan Horse 6: Hermon

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En esta nueva entrega J. J. Bentez, adentrar en captulos que fueron sospechosamente silenciados por los evangelistas. Apariciones de Jess de Nazaret tras su resurreccin, primer cisma entre los discpulos, anlisis del ADN... Un libro duro, valiente y tierno en el que el Hijo del Hombre aparece de nuevo, fascinando con sus palabras y su irresistible humanidad.

Si usted no dispone de una mente abierta..., no lo lea. Sus creencias se desequilibrarn . J. J. Bentez

En esta nueva entrega --siguiendo el diario del mayor norteamericano-- J. J. Bentez, entre miles de datos tcnicos e histricos rigurosamente comprobados, le adentrar en captulos que fueron sospechosamente silenciados por los evangelistas. Apariciones de Jess de Nazaret tras su resurreccin: saba usted que fueron muchas ms de las que cuentan los Evangelios? Primer cisma entre los discpulos: por qu nadie habl de ello?

Anlisis del ADN: otra demoledora sorpresa ...Por ltimo, el ansiado tercer salto en el tiempo y la apasionante aventura del reencuentro con el Maestro.

Un libro duro, valiente y tierno en el que el Hijo del Hombre aparece de nuevo, fascinando con sus palabras y su irresistible humanidad.


In this new installment, J. J. Bentez will delve into chapters that were suspiciously silenced by evangelists. Apparitions of Jesus of Nazareth after his resurrection, the first schism among the disciples, DNA analysis... A hard, brave and tender book in which the Son of Man appears again, fascinating with his words and his irresistible humanity.

"If you don't have an open mind, don't read it. Their beliefs will be thrown out of balance." J. J. Bentez

In this new installment --following the diary of the American major-- J. J. Bentez, among thousands of rigorously verified technical and historical data, will delve you into chapters that were suspiciously silenced by the evangelists. Apparitions of Jesus of Nazareth after his resurrection: did you know that there were many more than the Gospels recount? First schism among the disciples: why didn't anyone talk about it?

DNA analysis: another devastating "surprise"... Finally, the long-awaited third "leap" in time and the exciting adventure of reuniting with the Master.

A hard, brave and tender book in which the Son of Man appears again, fascinating with his words and his irresistible humanity.

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