La cancin tradicional chilena, compuesta en 1970, Caballito blanco, es traducida a imgenes y reinterpretada en este libro por la galardonada ilustradora Magdalena Armstrong. Un clsico de la msica nacional, donde el texto y la ilustracin se entrelazan con el humor y la belleza acompaados de las partituras. Ponte cmodo, calienta tus voces y msica, maestro! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The traditional Chilean song -composed in 1970- Caballito blanco, is translated into images and reinterpreted in this book by award-winning illustrator Magdalena Armstrong. A classic of national music, where text and illustration are intertwined with humor and beauty accompanied by the scores. Make yourself comfortable, warm up your voices, and music, maestro!

Caballito Blanco (Cancin) / White Little Horse (Illustrated Song)
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La cancin tradicional chilena, compuesta en 1970, Caballito blanco, es traducida a imgenes y reinterpretada en este libro por la galardonada ilustradora Magdalena Armstrong. Un clsico de la msica nacional, donde el texto y la ilustracin se entrelazan con el humor y la belleza acompaados de las partituras. Ponte cmodo, calienta tus voces y msica, maestro! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The traditional Chilean song -composed in 1970- Caballito blanco, is translated into images and reinterpreted in this book by award-winning illustrator Magdalena Armstrong. A classic of national music, where text and illustration are intertwined with humor and beauty accompanied by the scores. Make yourself comfortable, warm up your voices, and music, maestro!