Qu es un buscador de Dios?
Un buscador de Dios es un individuo cuyo hambre excede su alcance.
Un buscador de Dios es una persona cuya pasin por la presencia de Dios le empuja a perseguir lo imposible con la esperanza de que lo inalcanzable pueda alcanzarle. Un nio persigue a un padre amoroso hasta que, de repente, los fuertes brazos del padre envuelven al perseguidor. El perseguidor se convierte en cautivo; el perseguido, en captor. Pablo lo expres de esta manera: "Persigo para atrapar lo que me apres" (Fil. 3:12).
Job era un buscador de Dios. Dijo: " Oh, si supiera dnde puedo encontrarlo!". David lo era; dijo: "Mi alma te sigue con ahnco". Pablo tambin lo era: "Para conocerlo...." Los caminos apasionados de los buscadores de Dios se pueden rastrear a travs de las pginas de la historia, desde Moiss el tartamudo, David el cantante y Pablo el predicador itinerante, hasta personajes contemporneos como A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill e innumerables otros que comparten un vnculo comn: un hambre insaciable por conocer a su Seor. Se trata de personas que, por su incansable y apasionada bsqueda de Cristo, a menudo parecen tontas a los ojos de los dems. Sin embargo, habiendo probado su bondad y vislumbrado lo invisible, no podan estar satisfechos con nada menos.
"Debo advertirle que este es un libro peligroso. Si te sientes cmodo y complaciente y quieres seguir as, ni siquiera abras sus pginas!"
-Cindy Jacobs, cofundadora de Generals of Intercession
What is a God Chaser?
A God chaser is an individual who's hunger exceeds his reach.
A God chaser is a person whose passion for God's presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch him. A child chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. The pursuer becomes the captive; the pursued the captor. Paul put it this way: "I chase after that I may catch that which apprehended me" (Phil. 3:12).
Job was a God chaser. He said, " Oh that I knew where I might find Him!" David was one; he said, "My soul followeth hard after Thee." Paul was one too: "That I may know Him...." The passionate paths of God chasers can be traced across the pages of history from Moses the stutterer, David the singer, and Paul the itinerant preacher, to contemporaries like A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, and countless others who share one common bond: an insatiable hunger to know their Lord. These are people who relentless, passionate pursuit of Christ often made them appear foolish in the eyes of others. Yet, having tasted His goodness and glimpsed the invisible, they could be satisfied with nothing less.
"I must warn you, this is a dangerous book. If you are comfortable and complacent and want to stay that way, don't even open its pages!"
-Cindy Jacobs, Co-founder, Generals of Intercession