No todas las bibliotecas son ordenadas, ni todos los bibliotecarios son iguales... Algunos se salen de la norma, tienen colmillos, vuelan e incluso hacen temblar un cardumen con su mera presencia. En esta divertida y misteriosa historia, un grupo de amigos intentar, a toda costa, expulsar al extrao invasor que vino a apoderarse de la biblioteca del colegio y les arrebat su preciado refugio. Podrn deshacerse de ella? Querrn hacerlo? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Not all libraries are orderly, nor are all librarians the same... Some are out of the norm, they have fangs, they fly and even shake a school with their mere presence. In this fun and mysterious story, a group of friends will try, at all costs, to expel the strange invader who came to take over the school library and took away their precious refuge. Can they get rid of her? Will they want to?

La Bibliotecaria Es Una Vampira / The Librarian Is a Vampire
No todas las bibliotecas son ordenadas, ni todos los bibliotecarios son iguales... Algunos se salen de la norma, tienen colmillos, vuelan e incluso hacen temblar un cardumen con su mera presencia. En esta divertida y misteriosa historia, un grupo de amigos intentar, a toda costa, expulsar al extrao invasor que vino a apoderarse de la biblioteca del colegio y les arrebat su preciado refugio. Podrn deshacerse de ella? Querrn hacerlo? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Not all libraries are orderly, nor are all librarians the same... Some are out of the norm, they have fangs, they fly and even shake a school with their mere presence. In this fun and mysterious story, a group of friends will try, at all costs, to expel the strange invader who came to take over the school library and took away their precious refuge. Can they get rid of her? Will they want to?