Existen pocos libros en la literatura mexicana con la mordacidad y la elocuencia de Bestiario. En cada una de sus vietas de efecto lapidario, en los trazos de su estilo, en los vuelos de su ingenio y en la oportuna agudeza de su erudicin aparece el narrador impecable que fue Juan Jos Arreola (1918-2001). Sus pginas conjugan su pasin por el ensayo breve y el poema en prosa. Sus imgenes no son menos evocadoras que las del clebre Manual de zoologa fantstica de Jorge Luis Borges, ni menos naturalistas que los fabulosos inventarios que se han creado en torno al reino animal.
"His field of action is the human being, as his approach to the world of animals is sheltered in Jonathan Swift and the beasts suggest human behaviors; however, the descriptions are magnificent and not only include natural symbols but also poetic vision and intuitive knowledge." Jos AgustnThere are few books in Mexican literature with the mordacity and eloquence of Bestiario. In each of its lapidary effect vignettes, in the strokes of its style, in the flights of its wit, and in the timely sharpness of its erudition, the impeccable narrator that was Juan Jos Arreola (1918-2001) appears. His pages combine his passion for the brief essay and the prose poem. His images are no less evocative than those of the famous Manual de zoologa fantstica by Jorge Luis Borges, nor less naturalistic than the fabulous inventories that have been created around the animal kingdom.