Baptism and Church Membership [Spanish translation]

Baptism and Church Membership [Spanish translation]

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Como creyente, debo bautizarme?

Por qu debera hacerme miembro de una iglesia?

En ocasiones, el bautismo y la membresa de una iglesia local son elementos descuidados dentro del discipulado cristiano. Este folleto presenta la enseanza de las Escrituras, mostrando la importancia y el significado de obedecer al Seor en estos asuntos. El bautismo es una demostracin de la obra de salvacin del Seor en nosotros, este trae bendicin al creyente, nimo a la iglesia y un testimonio claro para el mundo.

La membresa de la iglesia es una muestra de nuestro compromiso con el cuerpo de Cristo, nuestra nueva familia, y trae la ayuda y el apoyo del pueblo de Dios mientras buscamos servir al Seor juntos.

Este libro es una edicin revisada de un recurso ampliamente usado en iglesias para preparar candidatos para el bautismo y la membresa de la iglesia.

This book is the Spanish translation of the English original (this is also available, ISBN 9781912154937):

Baptism and Church Membership

Do I need to be baptised as a believer?

Why should I become a church member?

Baptism and church membership are sometimes neglected elements of Christian discipleship today. This book sets out the teaching of Scripture, showing the importance and significance of obeying the Lord in these matters. Baptism is a demonstration of the Lord's work of salvation in us; it brings blessing to the believer, encouragement to the church and provides a clear testimony to the world. Church membershipsignifies commitment to our new family the body of Christ, and brings the help and support of God's peopleas we seek to serve the Lord together.

This book is a revised edition of a resource used widely in churches to prepare candidates for baptism and church membership.

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