Autntica: Cmo Empezar a Ser Verdaderamente T Y Darte El Permiso de Brillar / Authentic

Autntica: Cmo Empezar a Ser Verdaderamente T Y Darte El Permiso de Brillar / Authentic

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La psicloga Laura Chica ha escrito un libro liberador.

Aprende a desechar tus mscaras y qudate con lo verdadero, desnuda frente a frente con lo que eres en esencia.

Amar tus diferencias.
Honrar tu historia.
Romper patrones.
Soltar miedos aprendidos.
Cuestionar creencias.
Descubrir lealtades familiares.
Crear tu propio camino.

Darte cuenta de que tu vida no es tan tuya como creas, y que cada da tienes la oportunidad de reencontrarte contigo, desnudarte de todo lo que no eres t y darte el permiso SER.

Ser autntica es el mayor acto de amor que puedes hacer por ti, desde el respeto, la confianza y el auto amor.

Quiz ha llegado el momento de ser verdaderamente t.

Quiz ha llegado el momento de brillar siendo AUTNTICA.


Psychologist Laura Chica has written a liberating book.

Learn how to get rid of your masks and keep what's true, bare before the essence of who you are.

Know yourself.
Love your differences.
Honor your history.
Break patterns.
Let go of learned fears.
Question beliefs.
Find family loyalties.
Carve your own path.

Realize your life does not belong to you as much as you thought, and that everyday you have an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, strip off everything you are not, and give yourself permission to BE.

Being authentic is the greatest act of love you can do for yourself, from a place of respect, trust, and self-love.

Perhaps it is time to be the real you.

Perhaps it is time to cast an AUTHENTIC light.

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