Aunque Vuelvas a Tener Miedo / Even If You're Afraid Again

Aunque Vuelvas a Tener Miedo / Even If You're Afraid Again

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El nuevo libro del fenmeno de la poesa en Espaa: Manu Erena, el autor de Consecuencias de decir te quiero y Nos quedarn ms atardeceres.

Este libro est dedicado a aquellas personas que temen, aman y luchan da a da. A aquellos que siguen adelante a pesar del dolor.

«Despus de perderlo todo
y de obligarnos a curar
nuestras heridas ms profundas,
sanaremos cuando seamos capaces
de hablar sobre todo lo que nos duele.
Yo fui mi propio miedo hasta que me di cuenta
de que no quera un final as para mi historia,
hasta que pude cambiarlo contigo.
Porque, aunque vuelvas a tener miedo,
el amor tambin es capaz de salvarnos,
y decir adis es otra forma de querer.

Tras el xito arrollador de Consecuencias de decir te quiero y Nos quedarn ms atardeceres y haber sido el autor de poesa ms vendido antes de cumplir los diecisis aos, Manu Erena se consolida como la voz potica de toda una generacin.

Con la belleza y la sensibilidad que ha conquistado a sus miles de lectores, en este libro nos habla de todo lo que solemos callar, de los temores -esos que llegan en la adolescencia y no nos abandonan nunca- y de lo importante que es contar en la vida con personas que nos ayudan a plantar cara al miedo y son refugio para seguir adelante.


The new book by Spain's trending poet: Manu Erena, author of Consecuencias de decir te quiero/The Consequences of Saying I Love You and Nos quedarn ms atardeceres/We Will Have More Sunsets.

This book is dedicated to those who fear, love, and fight every day. To those who keep going despite the pain.

"After losing everything and forcing ourselves to heal our deepest wounds, we will only heal when we can talk about everything that hurts us. I was my own fear until I realized that I didn't want my story to have that kind of ending, so I changed it with you. Because, even if you're afraid again, love is also capable of saving us, and saying goodbye is another way of loving."

After the overwhelming success of The Consequences of Saying I Love You and We Will Have More Sunsets, and of having been the best-selling poetry author before the age of sixteen, Manu Erena has established himself as the poetic voice of an entire generation.

With the beauty and sensitivity that has conquered thousands of readers, Manu tells us in her latest book about everything we keep silent, the fears --such as those that come when we are teenagers and never leave us-- about the importance of counting on people who will help us face our fears and are a refuge to move forward with in life.

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