Atrvete a Ser Ms: Construye La Persona Que Puedes Llegar a Ser / Dare to Be Mo Re. Create the Person You Can Become
by Vctor Reyes
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Vctor Reyes, figura referente desde hace aos en el mundo del fitness, expone en este libro la frmula para romper la barrera que te separa de la mejor versin de ti mismo y desplegar as todo tu potencial. La verdadera causa por la que te cuesta tanto introducir cambios a largo plazo en tu vida es que el orden de los factores que sigues para lograrlo est invertido; hay una incongruencia entre lo que dices que quieres, las acciones que debes realizar para conseguirlo y la persona que eres en realidad. Hasta que tu identidad no est alineada con lo que haces y con tus objetivos, habr friccin y los resultados, tarde o temprano, se resentirn. Atrvete a ser ms plantea que la solucin para alinear tu identidad con el cambio que deseas se halla en la respuesta a tres preguntas: quin eres, cmo quieres cambiar, y qu has de hacer para lograrlo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Become the best version of yourself by aligning your true identity with your goals and actions. Vctor Reyes, a reference in the world of fitness for years, shares his formula to break the barrier keeping you from the best version of yourself and thus displaying your entire potential. The real reason why you have so much trouble making lasting changes in your life is that the order of factors to achieve this is reversed. There is an inconsistency between what you say and what you want, the actions you should take to get it, and the person you truly are. Until your identity lines up with what you do and what your goals are, there will be friction, and sooner or later your results will suffer. Dare to Be More suggests that the solution to align your identity with the kind of change you want lies in the answer to three questions: Who are you? How do you want to change? What must you do to get it?
Vctor Reyes, figura referente desde hace aos en el mundo del fitness, expone en este libro la frmula para romper la barrera que te separa de la mejor versin de ti mismo y desplegar as todo tu potencial. La verdadera causa por la que te cuesta tanto introducir cambios a largo plazo en tu vida es que el orden de los factores que sigues para lograrlo est invertido; hay una incongruencia entre lo que dices que quieres, las acciones que debes realizar para conseguirlo y la persona que eres en realidad. Hasta que tu identidad no est alineada con lo que haces y con tus objetivos, habr friccin y los resultados, tarde o temprano, se resentirn. Atrvete a ser ms plantea que la solucin para alinear tu identidad con el cambio que deseas se halla en la respuesta a tres preguntas: quin eres, cmo quieres cambiar, y qu has de hacer para lograrlo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Become the best version of yourself by aligning your true identity with your goals and actions. Vctor Reyes, a reference in the world of fitness for years, shares his formula to break the barrier keeping you from the best version of yourself and thus displaying your entire potential. The real reason why you have so much trouble making lasting changes in your life is that the order of factors to achieve this is reversed. There is an inconsistency between what you say and what you want, the actions you should take to get it, and the person you truly are. Until your identity lines up with what you do and what your goals are, there will be friction, and sooner or later your results will suffer. Dare to Be More suggests that the solution to align your identity with the kind of change you want lies in the answer to three questions: Who are you? How do you want to change? What must you do to get it?