Amor Al Prjimo (Premio Mauricio Achar) / Love for One's Neighbor
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Amor Prjimo se manifiesta como el responso por una muerta que no est muerta, pronunciado por una viva que ardi por dentro hasta convertirse en tronco. A Teresa y su hermana sus propios padres las aventaron a un orfanato. A la madre de ellas la casaron a los trece aos con un hombre mayor, la boda fue a las diez de la noche y no hubo testigos. El padre es el penltimo sobreviviente de la ltima rama de una estirpe que el tiempo aniquil. La tenebrosa ta Amelia, hermana del pap, a quien las madres Pasionistas le negaron su sueo de convertirse en esposa de Dios, se hizo monja clandestina. Teresa y su hermana comparten al mismo hombre, al que quisieran amar y que las ame. Pero stos no son simples datos anecdticos, constituyen los asuntos de redencin que la narradora de esta novela ha venido a tratar con su hermana en coma. -Mario Gonzlez Surez ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "A novel that portrays the vulnerability of loss, absence, and resilience, in the face of the body's state of disgrace. A work with a refined style and precision in character building and the creation of an intrigue that binds them." --Fernanda Melchor, Julin Herbert, and Alade Ventura, jury of the Mauricio Achar/Random House Prize 2023
Love for One's Neighbor manifests itself like a eulogy for a dead woman that didn't die, uttered for a life that burned from within until becoming a log. Teresa and her sister were thrown into an orphanage by their own parents. Their mother was married away to an older man at the age of thirteen; the wedding was at ten at night, no witnesses. Their father is second to last in a long family line that time annihilated. Sinister Aunt Amelia, their father's sister, whom Passionist mothers denied her the dream of becoming God's wife, became a clandestine nun. Teresa and her sister share the same man, whom they wish to love and be loved by. But these are not just simple facts; they constitute affairs of redemption that the author of this novel has come to discuss with her comatose sister. --Mario Gonzlez Surez
Amor Prjimo se manifiesta como el responso por una muerta que no est muerta, pronunciado por una viva que ardi por dentro hasta convertirse en tronco. A Teresa y su hermana sus propios padres las aventaron a un orfanato. A la madre de ellas la casaron a los trece aos con un hombre mayor, la boda fue a las diez de la noche y no hubo testigos. El padre es el penltimo sobreviviente de la ltima rama de una estirpe que el tiempo aniquil. La tenebrosa ta Amelia, hermana del pap, a quien las madres Pasionistas le negaron su sueo de convertirse en esposa de Dios, se hizo monja clandestina. Teresa y su hermana comparten al mismo hombre, al que quisieran amar y que las ame. Pero stos no son simples datos anecdticos, constituyen los asuntos de redencin que la narradora de esta novela ha venido a tratar con su hermana en coma. -Mario Gonzlez Surez ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "A novel that portrays the vulnerability of loss, absence, and resilience, in the face of the body's state of disgrace. A work with a refined style and precision in character building and the creation of an intrigue that binds them." --Fernanda Melchor, Julin Herbert, and Alade Ventura, jury of the Mauricio Achar/Random House Prize 2023
Love for One's Neighbor manifests itself like a eulogy for a dead woman that didn't die, uttered for a life that burned from within until becoming a log. Teresa and her sister were thrown into an orphanage by their own parents. Their mother was married away to an older man at the age of thirteen; the wedding was at ten at night, no witnesses. Their father is second to last in a long family line that time annihilated. Sinister Aunt Amelia, their father's sister, whom Passionist mothers denied her the dream of becoming God's wife, became a clandestine nun. Teresa and her sister share the same man, whom they wish to love and be loved by. But these are not just simple facts; they constitute affairs of redemption that the author of this novel has come to discuss with her comatose sister. --Mario Gonzlez Surez