La Abada de Northanger / Northanger Abbey (Commemorative Edition)

La Abada de Northanger / Northanger Abbey (Commemorative Edition)

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Quiz la novela ms irnica y divertida de Jane Austen, maestra inigualable de la comedia de costumbres.

Traduccin de Isabel Oyarzbal

Introduccin de Marilyn Butler, profesora en las universidades de Cambridge y Oxford

Publicada por primera vez en 1818, La abada de Northanger narra la historia de Catherine Morland, una joven muy aficionada a las novelas gticas. Por ello, cuando los Tilney la invitan a pasar una temporada en su casa de campo, se pone a investigar tortuosos e imaginarios secretos de familia. Pero al comprender que la vida no es una novela, la inocente Catherine pondr los pies en la tierra y encauzar su futuro segn dictan las normas morales y sociales de la poca.

La presente edicin incluye una detallada cronologa de la autora, as como una introduccin a cargo de Marilyn Butler, reputada crtica literaria, y autora del ensayo Jane Austen and The War of Ideas (1975). Hace las veces de colofn una nota biogrfica escrita por el hermano de Jane Austen cinco meses despus de su muerte, un documento indito que aporta fragmentos de sus ltimas cartas y deja entrever el perfil ms humano de una de las autoras ms apreciadas de la literatura inglesa.


Perhaps the most ironic and fun novel by Jane Austen, the unrivaled master of comedy of manners.

Translation by Isabel Oyarzbal

Introduction by Marilyn Butler, professor at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, originally published posthumously in 1818, is the story of seventeen-year-old Catherine Morland, one of ten children of a country clergyman, whose wild imagination and excessive fondness for Gothic novels (especially Ann Radcliffe's Mysteries of Udolpho) has skewed her worldview and interactions with others to great comic effect.

Catherine leaves her sheltered, rural home to enter the busy, sophisticated world of Bath in the late 1790s. Austen observes with insight and humor the interactions between Catherine and the various characters she meets and tracks her growing understanding of the world around her.

In her first full-length novel, Austen fixes her sharp, ironic gaze on other kinds of contemporary novels, especially the Gothic school made famous by Ann Radcliffe. Catherine's reading becomes intertwined with her social and romantic adventures, adding to the uncertainties and embarrassments she must undergo before finding happiness.

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