30 Principios de Un Blacklion / 30 Principles of a Blacklion

30 Principios de Un Blacklion / 30 Principles of a Blacklion

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El camino al xito de Jrgen Klaric no fue espontneo ni improvisado: lo forj, a travs de los aos, siguiendo 30 principios bsicos que no solo le ensearon a vender a la mente y a conectarse con el dinero, sino que tambin aumentaron exponencialmente su patrimonio hasta ser uno de los conferencistas ms icnicos de nuestra poca. Conoce los 30 secretos del lder de la manada: el BlackLion, y asegura tu riqueza de una vez por todas.


For the first time ever, Jrgen Klaric shares the principles that have made him a happy and successful millionaire.

This new book by bestselling author Jrgen Klaric was written with the goal of encouraging young leaders who want to reach higher goals in a faster, better way. By following the 30 principles highlighted in this book, readers will achieve financial freedom and embark on a fun journey of personal success.

Klaric, who has succeeded faster than most, is finally sharing the secret principles that make him a Black Lion, among them:

- Fear is not the enemy

- A strong tribe makes a strong man

- Improve or die

- Listen and understand

- Connecting profoundly

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