Soviet Attack Submarines: Cold War Operations and Accidents

Soviet Attack Submarines: Cold War Operations and Accidents

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Following the unimpressive performance of the Soviet Navy during World War Two, Soviet leadership realized that a stronger navy would be an important factor in their drive to gain recognition for their world power status. In less than a decade, the Soviet Union would develop a large naval force and would operate the largest submarine fleet in the world.

By Stalin's death in 1953, their naval development program was well advanced; nine cruisers had been completed, construction had begun on two of a programmed four heavy cruisers, and construction of aircraft carriers was reportedly planned. The Soviet Navy was becoming a force which might eventually attempt to contest control of the high seas from the United States, as well as defend the USSR against any seaborne attack.

This book traces the history and missions of the Soviet attack submarine force and describes the various classes of attack submarines which the Soviets built. It also discusses Soviet naval operations such as the conscription of their crews, and includes various submarine accidents at sea. It gives this chronology from two different viewpoints-that of the United States gleamed through US intelligence, and also from the viewpoint of the Soviet military.

This hardcover version includes 53 figures and charts showing the various submarines including torpedo evolution, main development phases, maps, ballistic missile evolution, cruise missile comparisons, salvage and rescue, and construction numbers.

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