Boston, Massachusetts...Governor-hopeful District Attorney Jason Miller is murdered by a hit-and-run driver, and Assistant District Attorney Matthew Brooks moves into his position as DA. A year later he announces his bid for governor. Brooks invites a tall, attractive, charismatic young woman from working-class South Boston to run as his lieutenant governor. Dubbed Southie Girl by the media, Brooke Sullivan is the perfect balance to the older, wealthy, former criminal defense attorney. 'Brooks and Brooke' win their elections. But the Brooks and Brooke partnership is not serendipitous. Brooke Sullivan schemed and plotted to see Matt Brooks in the governor's office because in her words, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall," and she is planning an epic fall from grace for Governor Matthew Brooks, her biological father who abandoned her pregnant mother decades before. She's undeterred when her fixation on destroying a man's family and political life drives her husband, Chris Stathis, to leave her until she learns Chris is investigating the cold case murder of District Attorney Jason Miller, and Governor Matthew Brooks is his main suspect. Southie Girl has woven a web of lies and deceit, all part of her plan to expose Governor Matthew Brooks as an adulterer who abandoned a pregnant woman carrying his child. Now she must lure her estranged husband back into her web before he learns the truth.
Boston, Massachusetts...Governor-hopeful District Attorney Jason Miller is murdered by a hit-and-run driver, and Assistant District Attorney Matthew Brooks moves into his position as DA. A year later he announces his bid for governor. Brooks invites a tall, attractive, charismatic young woman from working-class South Boston to run as his lieutenant governor. Dubbed Southie Girl by the media, Brooke Sullivan is the perfect balance to the older, wealthy, former criminal defense attorney. 'Brooks and Brooke' win their elections. But the Brooks and Brooke partnership is not serendipitous. Brooke Sullivan schemed and plotted to see Matt Brooks in the governor's office because in her words, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall," and she is planning an epic fall from grace for Governor Matthew Brooks, her biological father who abandoned her pregnant mother decades before. She's undeterred when her fixation on destroying a man's family and political life drives her husband, Chris Stathis, to leave her until she learns Chris is investigating the cold case murder of District Attorney Jason Miller, and Governor Matthew Brooks is his main suspect. Southie Girl has woven a web of lies and deceit, all part of her plan to expose Governor Matthew Brooks as an adulterer who abandoned a pregnant woman carrying his child. Now she must lure her estranged husband back into her web before he learns the truth.