The Solutions Are Already Here: Strategies of Ecological Revolution from Below
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*The Ecological Crisis beyond Carbon
*Foxes Building Henhouses: Government Promises and Market Solutions
*The Solutions Are Already Here: We Have Stopped Pipelines, Airports, Highways, and Mines
*Finding Our Place in a Damaged Ecology
*Fighting Where We Live: From Cities to Habitats
*A Thousand Worlds Struggling to Be Born: Ecosystems of Revolt
*Ecological Revolution: The Best Strategy in Success or Failure
*Ecological Imaginations: Plotting a Total Transformation of Human Existence
*Justice and Reconciliation: Making Sure Mass Murder Doesn't Pay
*Present Steps in the Networking of Local and Global Spaces Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in Venezuela, indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil, and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival. As the climate crisis worsens, we must look to revolutionary strategy for justice. Here is the information everyone needs to understand the problem and plot new, path-breaking, even revolutionary solution.
*The Ecological Crisis beyond Carbon
*Foxes Building Henhouses: Government Promises and Market Solutions
*The Solutions Are Already Here: We Have Stopped Pipelines, Airports, Highways, and Mines
*Finding Our Place in a Damaged Ecology
*Fighting Where We Live: From Cities to Habitats
*A Thousand Worlds Struggling to Be Born: Ecosystems of Revolt
*Ecological Revolution: The Best Strategy in Success or Failure
*Ecological Imaginations: Plotting a Total Transformation of Human Existence
*Justice and Reconciliation: Making Sure Mass Murder Doesn't Pay
*Present Steps in the Networking of Local and Global Spaces Gelderloos interviews food sovereignty activists in Venezuela, indigenous communities reforesting their lands in Brazil, and anarchists fighting biofuel plantations in Indonesia, looking at the battles that have cancelled airports, stopped pipelines, and helped the most marginalized to fight borders and environmental racism, to transform their cities, to win a dignified survival. As the climate crisis worsens, we must look to revolutionary strategy for justice. Here is the information everyone needs to understand the problem and plot new, path-breaking, even revolutionary solution.