Miss Lila Greer thinks it's time for Grade Two to get a class pet, and she wants the kids to participate in choosing the pet. After all, they will all have to share the responsibility of caring for it.
There are seventeen kids in the class. She gets seventeen different suggestions--including one for the Chrysler Building. (Guess who!) The class has to hold a primary election to get down to two options; campaign for the two candidates; and then, it's time for the election of the class pet. But when the votes are counted, there is a tie, eight to eight. Where is the seventeenth vote to break the tie? The vote has vanished, and it's up to Sofia Valdez and the Questioneers to figure out what happens next! Sofia Valdez and the Vanishing Vote is the fourth book in a unique and exciting series of chapter books for children, parents, and teachers who want to make STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fun. Watch the Questioneers in the Netflix television series Ada Twist, Scientist! Check out all the books in the Questioneers series: * The Questioneers Picture Book Series: Iggy Peck, Architect Rosie Revere, Engineer Ada Twist, Scientist Sofia Valdez, Future Prez Aaron Slater, Illustrator Lila Greer, Teacher of the Year