The soap opera has become her real-life love story.
Julia Melrose is a stereotypical soapaholic. And I don't mean she is addicted to the foamy, liquid kind. Julia spends her free time watching the rich, beautiful, carefree people who come to her through the television. Yet, Julia didn't start out as a soapaholic. She, like many people facing life-altering experiences, got lost. Let's go back twenty-five years to the fabulous eighties. Julia is young and in love. The kind of love others dream about. She has her whole life before her, but life doesn't always ask what you want. Sometimes it pulls the rug out from underneath you, leaving you scrambling to stay afloat. Fast forward to the present, Julia is divorced with two children. She has to face the life she chose all those years ago. She starts to hear a voice from the past calling out to her to live the life she was always meant to live. Will she listen? Or will she choose the road most traveled? Only Julia and her heart know.