"The Smell of Wet Bricks" stands as an innovative short novel written in English by a Kurdish author. Hailing from a region scarred by a century of violence and wars, this work, by the Iranian Kurdistan native Chiya Parvizpur, emerges as a fresh and distinctive voice. Parvizpur aspires to be the advocate for a rich reservoir of compelling narratives. Born in Sanandaj, a Kurdish writer and translator, Parvizpur expresses his creative prowess in both Kurdish and English. Devoted to translating the masterpieces of Kurdish novelists into English, he leverages his background in English Literature to focus on crafting fictional works. Drawing inspiration from his folk culture, myth, and history, Parvizpur endeavors to reveal the untold stories of the Kurdish homeland-narratives that would otherwise remain veiled and suppressed.
"The Smell of Wet Bricks" stands as an innovative short novel written in English by a Kurdish author. Hailing from a region scarred by a century of violence and wars, this work, by the Iranian Kurdistan native Chiya Parvizpur, emerges as a fresh and distinctive voice. Parvizpur aspires to be the advocate for a rich reservoir of compelling narratives. Born in Sanandaj, a Kurdish writer and translator, Parvizpur expresses his creative prowess in both Kurdish and English. Devoted to translating the masterpieces of Kurdish novelists into English, he leverages his background in English Literature to focus on crafting fictional works. Drawing inspiration from his folk culture, myth, and history, Parvizpur endeavors to reveal the untold stories of the Kurdish homeland-narratives that would otherwise remain veiled and suppressed.