The Sloth and the Snail move at the same slow pace in a fast paced world.
"The Sloth and the Snail" is a story of finding contentment.
In a world filled with flashy fast things,
The Sloth fills left behind.
That is until... the sloth discovers the snail.
Can a simple little snail compare to the bright colors flashing by?
Today's children are being bombarded with ads, flashy new toys and games, and images that make them feel like they are lacking somehow, much like the sloth. So how do we teach contentment? We slow down, like a sloth and a snail, we show our children the beauty in the small slow things in life. Who knows maybe we will get a reminder as well...
What do Reviewers Think?
"Very sweet story about enjoying the things around you. Beautiful pictures. I got the kindle version and will get the hardcover version because this is a book to be enjoyed in your hands."- Amazon Reviewer
"The little sloth is a slow creature who loves beautiful creatures. A couple of creatures cross it's path but stay a very short time. The sloth then meets a friend that does not move quickly. The sloth then learns to be content and see the beauty in everything living thing." - Amazon Reviewer
"It was a wonderful story. The sloth is one of my favorite animals. I also like snails. I loved it because there was friendship and kindness. They were just like each other and that's why they were perfect to be friends." - Amazon Reviewer