Because many startup founders do not have much time to read extensively, this book is deliberately short and as practical as possible. It offers a very simple framework - the 8-step SLAM process (The VALIDATION checklist) in the first half of the book and the 8-step GRAND process (the EXECUTION checklist) in the second half. These processes are designed to help ideators and entrepreneurs think about the viability of their startup in a highly structured way - and to not miss out critical steps - and then, if this looks good, to put a strong execution plan together that will have enough momentum to have the best possible chance of succeeding.

Slam: Build your startup idea or early stage business with the Startup Launch Assistance Map
by Jon Warner
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Because many startup founders do not have much time to read extensively, this book is deliberately short and as practical as possible. It offers a very simple framework - the 8-step SLAM process (The VALIDATION checklist) in the first half of the book and the 8-step GRAND process (the EXECUTION checklist) in the second half. These processes are designed to help ideators and entrepreneurs think about the viability of their startup in a highly structured way - and to not miss out critical steps - and then, if this looks good, to put a strong execution plan together that will have enough momentum to have the best possible chance of succeeding.