"Skeleton Haunts a House" is an engrossing third installment in the thrilling Family Skeleton series. This engaging novel follows the adventures of Dr. Georgia Thackery, an adjunct professor, and her unusual sidekick, Sid, a walking, talking skeleton. Set during the spooky Halloween season, the story is packed with suspense, humor, and clever twists. As the pair delve into solving a haunting at the McQuaid Mansion, Georgia must unravel the mystery while navigating through a maze of clues. Sid, with his quick wit and entertaining perspective, adds a delightful layer to the narrative, making it an enjoyable read for fans of cozy mysteries and paranormal intrigue.
This paperback edition is designed for readers who appreciate a mix of intrigue and light-hearted adventure. With its atmospheric setting and well-defined characters, "Skeleton Haunts a House" promises an engrossing reading experience as well as a unique blend of humor and suspense. Whether you are a returning fan of the series or new to the curious world of Georgia Thackery, this book provides a captivating journey through the mysteries that unfold in a seemingly quiet town during Halloween.