An inspired collection of intriguing paintings by Kristy Deetz, accompanied by charming and satirical stories by Edward S. Louis. Join the shape-shifting Rabbit, along with his best friend and astute sidekick Kitty Boy (both close friends of The Artist) as they venture into a land of visual and linguistic imagination. Enthusiastically posing as art critics, they good-humoredly deconstruct imagery from pop, outsider, and high culture as they discuss the meaning and purpose of the paintings. Clever conversations between the two characters spark interpretation of the images, connecting with ideas from art history and theory, along with subtly dark humor - and plenty of puns!
The Singular Adventures of Rabbit and Kitty Boy
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An inspired collection of intriguing paintings by Kristy Deetz, accompanied by charming and satirical stories by Edward S. Louis. Join the shape-shifting Rabbit, along with his best friend and astute sidekick Kitty Boy (both close friends of The Artist) as they venture into a land of visual and linguistic imagination. Enthusiastically posing as art critics, they good-humoredly deconstruct imagery from pop, outsider, and high culture as they discuss the meaning and purpose of the paintings. Clever conversations between the two characters spark interpretation of the images, connecting with ideas from art history and theory, along with subtly dark humor - and plenty of puns!