Five Little Ducks; Once I Caught A Fish Alive; Round and Round the Garden; The ABC Song; Teddy Bears Picnic; She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain; If You're Happy and You Know It; Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes; I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly; Rain, Rain, Go Away; Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; Ten in the Bed; Dingle Dangle Scarecrow; 10 Green Bottles; B-I-N-G-O; A Sailor Went to Sea; Ring Around the Rosie; The More We Get Together; Five Little Monkeys; Finger Family; Wind the Bobbin up; Polly Put the Kettle On; Do Your Ears Hang Low?; The Ants Go Marching; Grand Old Duke of York; Apples and Bananas; Kookaburra; Teddy Bear; Skidamarink a Dink a Dink; The Wheels on the Bus Bond with your baby and help them grow as you recite and sing these timeless rhymes. This book is part of the Stitched Storytime series--also available are Read to Your Baby Every Day, Read to Your Toddler Every Day, Read to Your Baby Every Night, and Pray with Your Baby Every Day.","price":17.99,"gtin":"9781836003557","brand":"Frances Lincoln Ltd","product_link":"","images":[""],"item_group":"2417560"}