Shemhamforash: A study of the Infernal Names found in the Satanic Bible

Shemhamforash: A study of the Infernal Names found in the Satanic Bible

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This book takes you on a tour of the underworld demons, devils, gods, and goddesses of the entire planet. Stretching back 4,500 years and containing cultures such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Romans, Sumerians, Hebrews, Chinese, Japanese, Aztec and Mayan, the Infernal names of the Satanic Bible form a pantheon of spirits sure to be of interest to all witches, pagans, and Satanists.

Spirits included in this work are: 1. Abaddon 2. Adramalech 3. Ahpuch 4. Ahriman 5. Amon 6. Apollyon 7. Asmodeus 8. Astaroth 9. Azazel 10. Baalberith 11. Balaam 12. Baphomet 13. Bast 14. Beelzebub 15. Belial 16. Behemoth 17. Beherit 18. Bile 19. Chemosh 20. Cimeries 21. Coyote 22. Dagon 23. Damballa 24. Demogorgon 25. Diabolus 26. Dracula 27. Emma-O 28. Euronymous 29. Fenriz 30. Gorgo 31. Haborym 32. Hecate 33. Ishtar 34. Kali 35. Leviathan 36. Lilith 37. Loki 38. Lucifer 39. Mammon 40. Mania 41. Mantus 42. Marduk 43. Mastema 44. Melek Taus 45. Mephistopheles 46. Metztli 47. Mictian 48. Midgard 49. Milcom 50. Moloch 51. Mormo 52. Naamah 53. Nergal 54. Nihasa 55. Nija 56. O-Yama 57. Pan 58. Pluto 59. Proserpine 60. Pwcca 61. Rimmon 62. Sabazios 63. Sammael 64. Samnu 65. Satan 66. Sedit 67. Sekhmet 68. Set 69. Shaitan 70. Shiva 71. Supay 72. T'an-mo 73. Tchort 74. Tezcatlipoca 75. Thamuz 76. Thoth 77. Tunrida 78. Typhon 79. Yaotzin 80. Yen-lo-wang
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