Shadow work has long been associated with Witchcraft, but there could be more to embracing one's dark side. Blend professional therapy with your practice with insight from Keri, a witch with lived experiences of a Bipolar 1 disorder to include psychotic features. Look within to see the magic in your Great Work, while setting your shadow work journey around the Wheel, starting in Samhain, the witches' New Year. Honor your ancestors by learning to trust instinct and intuition, and begin to heal from a traumatic past with your most powerful tool, the mind. Embrace your shadow ♥
Shadow work has long been associated with Witchcraft, but there could be more to embracing one's dark side. Blend professional therapy with your practice with insight from Keri, a witch with lived experiences of a Bipolar 1 disorder to include psychotic features. Look within to see the magic in your Great Work, while setting your shadow work journey around the Wheel, starting in Samhain, the witches' New Year. Honor your ancestors by learning to trust instinct and intuition, and begin to heal from a traumatic past with your most powerful tool, the mind. Embrace your shadow ♥