This work is a description and explanation in fuller detail of the Serpent Power (Kundali Shakti), and the Yoga effected through it, a subject occupying a pre-eminent place in the T a n t r a Shastra. It consists of a translation of two Sanskrit works published some years ago in t h e second volume of my series of Tantrik Texts, but hitherto untranslated. The first, entitled " S h a t c h a k r a n i r u p a n a " ("Description of and Investigation into t h e Six Bodily Centres"), has as its author the celebrated Tantrik P u r n a - nanda Svami, a short note on whose life is given later. It forms t h e sixth chapter of his extensive and unpublished work on Tantrik Ritual entitled " S h r i t a t t v a c h i n t a m a n i " .
This work is a description and explanation in fuller detail of the Serpent Power (Kundali Shakti), and the Yoga effected through it, a subject occupying a pre-eminent place in the T a n t r a Shastra. It consists of a translation of two Sanskrit works published some years ago in t h e second volume of my series of Tantrik Texts, but hitherto untranslated. The first, entitled " S h a t c h a k r a n i r u p a n a " ("Description of and Investigation into t h e Six Bodily Centres"), has as its author the celebrated Tantrik P u r n a - nanda Svami, a short note on whose life is given later. It forms t h e sixth chapter of his extensive and unpublished work on Tantrik Ritual entitled " S h r i t a t t v a c h i n t a m a n i " .