This is a book which will help many 21st Century Christians have a better understanding and appreciation of these two subjects. What is 'sanctification'? And what does the Bible mean by 'perfection' and being 'perfect'? Is sanctification a process we go through, or it is something which is given us by God through Christ? And what about perfection? Is that God-given or do we have to strive towards it? And is it possible to reach perfection, this side of glory? This are some of the questions Bullinger deals with and answers in his usual through, Bible-based style.
This is a book which will help many 21st Century Christians have a better understanding and appreciation of these two subjects. What is 'sanctification'? And what does the Bible mean by 'perfection' and being 'perfect'? Is sanctification a process we go through, or it is something which is given us by God through Christ? And what about perfection? Is that God-given or do we have to strive towards it? And is it possible to reach perfection, this side of glory? This are some of the questions Bullinger deals with and answers in his usual through, Bible-based style.