Ruthie Rose wakes up with an idea. A big, bright, beautiful idea. An idea so great! An idea so grand! Ruthie Rose can't wait to share it with her idea-loving librarian, her art teacher, and her best friend. As the idea gets shared, it sparkles through her classmates, shouts down the hallway, and echoes over the playground. It invites everyone in the school, including YOU. John Schu's effervescent prose is complemented by Holly Hatam's vibrant artwork in clear, vivid colors, depicting a cast of adorable characters. Collaged throughout the artwork are intriguing snippets of language and lines from classic poems, sure to inspire young poetry lovers to discover more.","price":17.99,"gtin":"9781536226492","brand":"Candlewick Press (MA)","product_link":"","images":[""],"item_group":"2387688"}