Rural Odyssey is a story that follows the family and life of a young man who grew up in rural America. This book is made up of the many experiences and stories and incorporates secrets that were involved in all relationships in his parents' families and in his own family. It also weaves in the accounts of growing up in a straight Pentecostal and faith-based life. The young man's life is shaped by his experiences and is followed as he grows up in a minister's family. His education is begun in a rural one room schoolhouse and then advances to the usual elementary and secondary school systems, attendance at a state university, and entry in medical school at 19 years of age. Multiple successes and failures are included. The intricacies of his life along with multiple marriages, children, and drug associated problems are told through stories. Always trying to be a knight in shining armor and everything to everyone caused many problems. Faith was the glue that kept his life together. 50 years in the practice of general surgery has brought about a lot of observations and many varied and entertaining stories. Many technical advances are noted both in life and medical practice. Problems are presented and interesting simple solutions are given. All in all, this is very readable, understandable, hilarious, and intensely fascinating adventure of growing up in the country and memories of family, faith, and secrets.

Rural Odyssey: Growing Up in the Country. Memories of Family, Faith, and Secrets
Rural Odyssey is a story that follows the family and life of a young man who grew up in rural America. This book is made up of the many experiences and stories and incorporates secrets that were involved in all relationships in his parents' families and in his own family. It also weaves in the accounts of growing up in a straight Pentecostal and faith-based life. The young man's life is shaped by his experiences and is followed as he grows up in a minister's family. His education is begun in a rural one room schoolhouse and then advances to the usual elementary and secondary school systems, attendance at a state university, and entry in medical school at 19 years of age. Multiple successes and failures are included. The intricacies of his life along with multiple marriages, children, and drug associated problems are told through stories. Always trying to be a knight in shining armor and everything to everyone caused many problems. Faith was the glue that kept his life together. 50 years in the practice of general surgery has brought about a lot of observations and many varied and entertaining stories. Many technical advances are noted both in life and medical practice. Problems are presented and interesting simple solutions are given. All in all, this is very readable, understandable, hilarious, and intensely fascinating adventure of growing up in the country and memories of family, faith, and secrets.