The Rosary With Illustrations and Meditations

The Rosary With Illustrations and Meditations

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THIS little work is compiled, partly from "The Theology of the Holy Rosary," of the French Dominican, Father Chery, partly from "The Complete Rosary Book," published. by a Dominican Father in England. Several Rosary books have already been published in this country, but, whilst some have omitted very important nlatters with regard to the Dominican Rosary, others have confounded that great Rosary confraternity with a popular little devotion, called the Living Rosary. The Living Rosary was lately organized by a lady in France. It offers no bond of union, except that of fifteen persons, which bond is often broken. The Dominican Rosary comes down to us from the thirteenth century. It was revealed to one of God's most illustrious Saints. It unites its millions of members in one great confraternity-one powerful apostleship of prayer-enriched with the most abundant favors of the Church, and sharing in all the suffrages of the three great branches of the Donlinican Order. Since its establishment, the Dominican Rosary has taken possession of the world. There is no devotion more ancient, there is no devotion more widespread, there is no devotion enriched with so many indulgences. We know of no one eminent for sanctity since the days of St. Dominic, who was not a Rosarian, and devotedly attached to saying the beads. The Rosary, is a solid devotion, most pleasing to God and to our Immaculate Mother, drawing down the choicest graces of Heaven on all who practise it with fidelity. Dear Immaculate Mother, it was to increase thy children's love for thee, to make the treasures of thy cherished Rosary still more known and more appreciated, that this little work was compiled. Deign to bless this offering, which is placed at thy feet, and obtajn for all thy children an increase of devotion to thee, and an advancement in those virtues which thy Rosary inculcates. An excellent book for First Saturday Devotions
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