"Riding High: The Untold Story of Alice Walton and the Rise of Walmart's Fortune" is a captivating narrative that traces the extraordinary journey of Walmart from its humble beginnings in the Ozark Mountains to becoming a global retail behemoth. At the heart of the tale is Alice Walton, a central figure in the Walton family legacy, whose leadership and strategic vision played a pivotal role in shaping Walmart's destiny. Through decades of innovation, challenges, and triumphs, this book unveils the untold chapters of Alice Walton's life and the remarkable ascent of Walmart, exploring the intersection of family, business, and the enduring impact on the world of commerce.
Riding High: The Untold Story of Alice Walton and the Rise of Walmart's Fortune
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"Riding High: The Untold Story of Alice Walton and the Rise of Walmart's Fortune" is a captivating narrative that traces the extraordinary journey of Walmart from its humble beginnings in the Ozark Mountains to becoming a global retail behemoth. At the heart of the tale is Alice Walton, a central figure in the Walton family legacy, whose leadership and strategic vision played a pivotal role in shaping Walmart's destiny. Through decades of innovation, challenges, and triumphs, this book unveils the untold chapters of Alice Walton's life and the remarkable ascent of Walmart, exploring the intersection of family, business, and the enduring impact on the world of commerce.