Revelation of Messiah

Revelation of Messiah

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The Messiah known to us as YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH fulfilled approximately 300 Old Testament prophecies. He told the Pharisees that Abraham wrote of him. On the road to Emmaus, after he was resurrected from the dead, he expounded upon those prophecies to his two traveling companions, beginning with Moses and continuing through the prophets. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrews in chapter 5:12 that they needed one to teach them the rudiments of the beginning of the Oracles of YAH. In other words, we need to go to the beginning of the book, our Bible, to learn of our Messiah. To understand the back of the book, we must know what the front of the book contains, especially concerning Our Redeemer. This work attempts to point out our creator's different manifestations, the Most High ELOHIYM, beginning with Moses.

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