What compels me to write about the renewal of spiritual passion? I write because I sense out there in the real world of Western Christians that there is a growing weariness of spirit. We have tried the gimmicks, the programs, the promises of a thousand and one "gurus" of the faith. Here and there one view or another seems to catch on. But for many, the journey is a boresome task, and like my family on the dark road, we can't tum back, but we're almost too tired to go on.
Renewing Your Spiritual Passion is disarmingly simple. I merely want to ask the question, what are the things that tire us out and drain us of our desire to be people of God? Let's name the issues and face them squarely for what they are. Then let's ask, how did men and women of spiritual antiquity face these same agents of weariness? Did they have insights we've ignored? And finally, what difference would it make if we followed their advice? My guess is that we would find some ways not only to restore spiritual passion but also to maintain some of the passion we still have.
At least that's the way it seems to me.