Reentry Realities: A Survival Guide for Reintegration

Reentry Realities: A Survival Guide for Reintegration

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Reentry Realities is a combination of experience, education, and revelation into the root causes of incarceration and serves as a survival guide for those who are preparing to reintegrate into society as free men and women. It shows how to transform oneself from a predator and parasite to a partner and how to build bridges rather than burn them. The book also provides mechanisms for coping with the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of release in order to hit the ground running.

Written over a period of five years while the author was incarcerated in a state penitentiary, Reentry Realities employs faith, reason, empathy, personal anecdotes, and old-fashioned storytelling to illuminate a path on the other side of the razor wire. It covers all stages from preparing to reenter, acclimating, and finally reintegrating by developing a support system of mentors, family and community to get back on the right track - and stay there - as productive members of society.

About the author

Larry Dean Thompson was incarcerated on four occasions for a total of 28 years. He tried (and failed) three times to reintegrate during an era where the challenges that ex-felons face upon reentry were not clearly understood. Larry earned an associate's degree from Ashland University, a bachelor's certification from Grace Ministries Bible College and graduated from a state-certified counselors training program. He was released in April 2022 and has dedicated his life to being successful - and helping others be successful - in reintegration. Reentry Realities is his first book and he can be contacted at

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