The Rectified Scottish Rite: From the Doctrine of Reintegration to the Imago Templi

The Rectified Scottish Rite: From the Doctrine of Reintegration to the Imago Templi

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This book could just as well have been titled The Rectified Scottish Rite as a Way of Awakening, thus completing the triptych of works by Rmi Boyer on the ways of awakening that he wrote regarding the Rose-Croix, Freemasonry, and Martinism.

These initiatory paths have in common Love and Knowledge, the two pillars of the Gnosis which is particularly present in the Rectified Scottish Rite. For, above all, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz was a Gnostic, like Martinez de Pasqually before him.

Serge Caillet, in his introduction, reminds us that Gnosis is the quest for the Real. Yet Rmi Boyer insists that the Real cannot be translated into words.

We will have to go beyond the words, beyond what the rituals of the RER can say to find what they mean.

Rmi Boyer offers and comments on the instructions to the Professed and especially those of the Grand Professed who give a remarkable synthesis of the Doctrine of Reintegration.

"Beauty and grace come only with freedom. It is this that the Beneficent Knights of the Holy City must guard above all else."

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