Realistic Bug Out Bag by Max Cooper sets itself apart from many other similar books. This book covers the reality of bug out bags. Too many people solely focus on loading up their bag until the zippers are about to rip apart. Their bags are too full and way too heavy to travel on foot. You cannot assume that in a bug out situation you will be able to use your 4x4 and travel to your bug out location. Chances are gridlock or other road conditions will render your vehicle useless. You may have to travel on foot and you must have a bug out bag that you can realistically carry. Yet, many people have never stepped outside the comfort of their home and carried their bug out bag on their back. For these unprepared individuals failure is a very real reality. Realistic Bug Out Bag covers aspects that you need to know in order to bug out including a very useful "Bug Out Bag Assessment" which will provide you a good idea of how prepared you are to immediately bug out.
This book is not about lists although some lists are included. It is about your decision making ability to know and understand the cost/benefit ratio of every piece of equipment that you decide to put into your bug out bag. Way too many individuals have their bug out bag stored in their home incorrectly believe that they are ready to bug out...but they are not. Read Realistic Bug Out Bag to find out why you are more than likely not prepared to bug out and how you can remedy your situation. Finding out that you are not adequately prepared during a bug out event is a preventable failure...this book is the prevention!
This is a must have book for your preparedness resource library.