Rat Care: The Complete Guide to Caring for and Keeping Rats as Pets

Rat Care: The Complete Guide to Caring for and Keeping Rats as Pets

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Pet rats, also commonly known as 'Fancy Rats, ' are a domesticated version of the common brown rat and are therefore part of the species known as 'Rattus Norvegicus.' However household rats have been selectively bred for looks, color, size and temperament over the course of the last 100 years. They have been selectively bred to the point where there is almost no immediately obvious similarities between the household rat and their wild ancestors. Household pets are less aggressive towards humans and other rats due to the fact that they do not have to scrounge for food and defend territory. Rats make clean, intelligent and affectionate animals which show a similar level of loyalty to a household dog. Due to their intelligence and loyalty they have been anecdotally referred to as 'low-maintenance dogs.' However despite this nickname rats are relatively high maintenance in comparison to other common pet rodents - such as mice and ferrets.

Before purchasing any pet it is important to understand that as a pet owner you are responsible for the care and wellbeing of your pet. It is important to try and learn as much as you can about the animal you are considering to keep as a pet to make sure that your lifestyle, household and financial status are suited to provide your pet with the best possible care. This guide has been designed to provide you with both precise and concise information about a chameleon's basic needs to help you provide your pet with the best quality care practices.

This book was previously published by 'Pet Care Professionals' under the same name.

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