If you're a frustrated parent of a toddler in desperate need of guidance, then keep reading...
Just like any other day, you bring little Tommy along to the supermarket to grab a few things for tonight's dinner. He's in a good mood in the car, smiling, pointing at dogs on walks with their owners, babbling away.
Fast forward, and Tommy's thrown himself on the floor of the supermarket in a screaming tantrum because you told him, "No," to buying a package of chocolate chip cookies. After a long, hard day of work, this really is the last thing you need right now.
Every time you try to pick him up and get going again, his screams get louder and other people turn their heads to look, their eyes feeling like lasers. Despite what you feel others may be thinking about you, don't worry, you are not a bad parent!
All parents have been through it, so you are definitely not alone.
Stop guessing how to handle tough situations and doubting later on if it was the right choice in the middle of a tantrum or sleepless night.
Instead, uncovering the truth behind your toddler's behavior will open your eyes to a whole new world of parenting.
In "Raising Toddlers", you'll discover:
And much more.
Even if you have been dealing with the same issues over and over again and it feels like all hope is lost, it is possible for you to turn your toddler's behavior around. All temperaments can be managed as long as you have the right tools and guidance by your side.
Parenting can be energy-draining, especially when what you thought was the right method doesn't seem to work in your favor. It is fundamentally important to understand the "Why?" behind your toddler's behavior. Parenting expert Lindsay Moore will explain to you how to find the root of your struggles.
Just because your toddler does not listen to you does not mean you are a bad parent! What you need is clear, straight-forward and practical advice to make parenting life as stress-free as possible.
Let's clear up all that toddler-confusion together and help make life harmonious again! With guidance, it truly is just a few weeks away...
So, what are you waiting for?
If you want to improve your toddler's behavior today and become a happy, confident parent that others will look up to, then purchase this book to get started on your journey right now.