Purrfect Cancel

Purrfect Cancel

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Canceled Anonymous

An epidemic swept through Hampton Cove, and even though I wasn't one of those infected, it still filled me with dread, since several of our nearest and dearest were amongst those taking a hit. The name of the disease was cancelation, and the symptoms were being fired from one's job, banned from one's social circles and generally being turned into an outcast. The victims were many, and the solution hard to come by, especially when our very own human Chase was suspended. Tough to investigate a crime when you're the victim!

I have to admit at first I was a little hesitant to take this whole business seriously, but when Kingman was canceled, and then Shanille, cat choir's conductor, and eventually the entire cat choir, it became obvious that if we didn't take a stand, our entire way of life would be a thing of the past. But who was behind this pernicious campaign, and what could possibly be its objective? Suffice it to say we had our work cut out for us!

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