Faith is trusting in God and in God's promises. However, we cannot trust God's promises if we don't know what they are. The Purpose of Everything, a four-part, two-volume set, presents in narrative form all the major events and people of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, in chronological order. The author provides the political and religious background and circumstances that the writers and intended audience of the text were experiencing, adds discussion to provide continuity between events when not given by Scripture itself, and explains the significance of these events within Scripture's progressive revelation of God's plan and purpose for humanity. God shows us in the Scriptures what God intends to do ... and gives us His purpose for everything. This is the basis for true faith, a faith we can depend on, a sure foundation.
In The Purpose of Everything, Terry Shields leads those who wish to better comprehend Scripture towards an understanding of God's purpose, as God has revealed it, and God's promises to each of us as God's people. Using the written word, figures/tables/charts, a step-by-step process, and Digging Deeper and Things to Ponder sidebars, Terry presents a variety of options to use this work personally to build a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding of God's word and purpose for us. For two years I have seen and experienced Terry successfully use the material in this book in our adult faith formation classes and have personally used the material in my sermon preparation. May you be enlightened, strengthened, and encouraged in your faith as you journey through this book.
The Reverend Rita Augsburger
First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Decatur, Illinois
As a pastor, I see people struggle with the seeming complexity of the Bible. Few of the books fall into chronological order and this causes confusion for people as they deal with a comprehension of the historical flow of the Bible. Terry Shields has taken on a massive work of laying out not just the books but the major events of the Bible in chronological order and coordinating facts in an understandable way. He connects content to clearly show God's eternal purpose and plan for humanity and provides theological insights via his Digging Deeper and Things to Ponder sidebars. I highly recommend this book to students of the Bible who want to gain an awesome framework for understanding God's word to us. The Purpose of Everything is a faith builder.
Dr. Bob Swanger - Pastor of the River Church in a Barn, Delaware, Ohio, and former President of the Harvest Network International.