The PTSD Workbook: Skills and Techniques to Overcoming Trauma and Start Recovering

The PTSD Workbook: Skills and Techniques to Overcoming Trauma and Start Recovering

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"Live can suddenly be sent crashing down when images, conversations, smells, or sounds begin to remind us of something that was now associated with a traumatic event at that time."

"Emotional trauma increased the feeling of shame many years ago. Families hid it and never spoke about it, fear that Trauma would shed disgraceful light on the survivor. The syndrome of we "don't air our dirty laundry". Blocking the incident was the only way to treat the accident, but it did not solve the problem, of course. It was encouraged to learn to remove or to disassociate from the recollection of the incident, but it only removed intense negative emotions and made the survivor live a wounded life. The myriad of emotions associated with overcoming Trauma can never stop. And when these emotions are dismissed, they reappear in the form of self-destructive behaviour."

"Trauma contributes to a transition. It removes the driver from his seat and makes him a passenger, harnesses the extraordinary power to direct his life and destroy it, and brings into the present the deteriorating effects that have accrued in the past."

These are some of the pieces of information provided in this book. This book is also well packed with information on Trauma and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), their causes, effects and various approach in providing solutions to them. This book will be most useful when dealing with depressed and traumatised individuals

Having interviewed a number of people, we found a husband whose wife was sexually assaulted when she was in her teens and still suffers from the Trauma years later. Explaining, he said she would not allow him climb her on bed because it brought back memories of the unfortunate incident, since getting Therapy with the methods described in this book, she has been more confident during love making

Also, a war veteran who was conscripted into the army at a very young found himself unable to sleep after years in retirement. He has however been recovering quite well, when asked about his inability to sleep, he explained that whenever he closes his eyes, he sees the first person he ever shot in his life. "His eyes were filled with such pain and agony as I never seen before", he explained

Why is Greg Watson interested in the overall study of Trauma? Ever since his favourite nephew who was a witness to a gang shooting has been experiencing some sort of Trauma every time he hears a bang. Greg Watson has devoted his life to reading books and making different researches on Psychology, Trauma, How the mind works to mention but a few. He has had to work with various Psychologist and Psychiatrists in order to make this book a success.

As quoted in the book "Survivors, who have undergone trauma in childhood, including a natural disaster, injury, or childhood abuse, frequently fail to recover through puberty and young adulthood. Teenagers and young adults sometimes feel helpless because they don't know how to help their loved ones. It can make a big difference to learn how trauma affects people and what they can do to help their recovery process," this book helps to achieve that aim.

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