"A groundbreaking 2-in-1 book that offers the dynamics of human relationship and Treatments to Psychiatric disorder results from traumatic events." -- Bestselling Author, Greg Watson.
The first Book "THE ATTACHMENT THEORY" is crafted to help you discover the basics of Your Actual Relationships by your Attachment Style using the Emotional Focused Therapy. Also treats childhood abuse or neglect, anxiety, eating disorders, Borderline personality and interpersonal issues. The second book "THE PSTD WORKBOOK" is designed to provide you with the skills and techniques to overcome Trauma and start recovering.
This bundle book works hand-in-hand guiding readers to:
- Understand how emotions are produced and related to thought and behavior
- Stretch and re-organize the individual's key emotional responses
- Fabricate a shift in the interactional positions of the couples and to establish new interaction cycles.
- Deal with Trauma sooner rather than later
- Improve parenting the traumatized child with Different methods
- Promote the building of a secure bond between couples
- Possess skills to Identify and address PTSD symptoms
- Know how to treat Post traumatic stress disorder with hypnotherapy
- Treat other problems often related to traumatic experiences
- And More!
This revolutionary 2-in-1 book guides readers in determining what attachment style they and their mate (or potential mate) follow, offering a road map for building stronger, more fulfilling connections with the people they love and gives solutions to emotional & psychological Truama.
If you want to use science to improve your living, then select the "Buy Now" button and take your Copy Now!