Pro Wrestling Illustrated (Digital)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated (Digital)

1 Issue, October 2022

A Quick Word …

A Quick Word …
AT ONE TIME, she was one of the most promising new stars on the British wrestling scene. A former teenage prodigy at the Knight family-owned WAW in Norfolk, U.K., Alex Windsor captured numerous championships on the British indies under the name Liberty. Performing under her current mon iker, she thrived in notable promotions like PROGRESS, Pro Wrestling: EVE, and Germany’s Westside Xtreme Wrestling. But then, as it often does, real life intervened, and Windsor stepped away from the ring. Nearly four years after her last match, Windsor returned. And, since then, she’s simply soared—fighting to reclaim her status as one of the top emerging grapplers in BritWres. McVEIGH: As we conduct this interview, you are currently the Undisputed British Women’s champion in RevPro. That’s one of the most prestigious titles in British…
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated (Digital) - 1 Issue, October 2022

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