Soon after graduating high school, Shabequa finds herself seeking adventure, an opportunity to serve her country, travel, and continue her educational pursuits in the army. During the first few weeks of basic training, she finds herself on a nonstop roller-coaster ride of tough-minded drill sergeants, sexually charged enlistees, mental and physical training designed to weed out the weak, self-awareness, and corporate discipline.
Regret haunts her between the fourth and seventh weeks of enlistment, sending her deeper into an introspective view of herself, the reasons that brought her here, the power of education, strategy, preparedness, weapons, psychology, and honor. Upon reaching her permanent duty station, Shabequa learns the differences between racism in the North and the South and discovers an inner strength that she didn't know she had.
When reenlistment time comes, Shabequa finds herself at a crossroads that will set the tone for the rest of her adult life.