The Present Actor: A Practical and Spiritual Guideline to Help You Enjoy the Ride
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"I was truly moved by what Marci wrote. I kept on saying, 'yes, yes, yes', I discuss these ideas with my clients all the time! It's more than taking class and breaking down a scene.. She captures the sum of the parts in such a comprehensive manner yet with so much compassion. It's the actor's self-help book for anyone who dares to dream. I LOVE it!"
- Rhonda Price, Partner - The Gersh Agency
"I was truly moved by what Marci wrote. I kept on saying, 'yes, yes, yes', I discuss these ideas with my clients all the time! It's more than taking class and breaking down a scene.. She captures the sum of the parts in such a comprehensive manner yet with so much compassion. It's the actor's self-help book for anyone who dares to dream. I LOVE it!"
- Rhonda Price, Partner - The Gersh Agency