Preparing Healthy Food For Your Dog: Homemade Dog Food Recipes: Community Cookbook For Dogs

Preparing Healthy Food For Your Dog: Homemade Dog Food Recipes: Community Cookbook For Dogs

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If you're looking for recipes your dog will love that are super healthy and nutrient-rich you've come to the right place. This book brings you everything you will need to know in order to cook and prepare healthy, delicious homecooked meals for your best friend.
Just as humans have switched from healthy, natural and traditional diets to processed and mass-produced foods, we have made the same choices on behalf of our dogs. We are feeding our dogs the same "fast food" day in and day out, and this limits their nutritional intake. Just as people need variety in their diet, so do dogs. After all, wouldn't you get tired of having spaghetti as your only meal for years on end?

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