Precincts, Prejudice and Murder

Precincts, Prejudice and Murder

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This book is a work of fiction, although the events depicted in this book are far from fictitious. The difficulties women face in police work and the workplace, in general, are not fictitious, and taking a person's life is not fictitious. This book focuses on murder from the perspective of what could possibly influence a person to commit such a crime. There are also the actions of how the police unravel murders when there are no

witnesses or apparent motives and are women and men equally adept in this line of work?

Will misplaced emphasis on equality as opposed to ability compromise public safety? The social contract, a theory promulgated in Hobbes's Leviathan, is a hypothetical contract where people exchange peace and security for appropriate conduct. Murder is the most unacceptable crime in any society, and will this contract be weakened to accept a lower standard of results while allowing a better gender balance?

This is one of the quintessential questions posed by this fictional book where some individuals are offered a Faustian bargain to earn millions of dollars by killing a number of innocent people.

The 19th Precinct becomes the center of these events while other Precincts are drawn

into the conflict.

This book is a work of fiction-names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents

are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living

or dead, or events is purely coincidental.

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