PMP Exam Prep: Questions, Answers, & Explanations: 1000+ Practice Questions with Detailed Solutions
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Countless time and money is spent preparing for the PMP(R) exam. So why aren't students laser-focused on taking practice exams before attempting the real thing? Reflects the current PMP exam format, the PMBOK(R) Guide - Seventh Edition, and Agile Practice Guide!
The practice tests in this book are designed to help students adjust to the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the real Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. Geared towards anyone preparing for the exam, all tests include clear solutions to help you understand core concepts. If you plan on passing the PMP exam, it's time to test your knowledge. It's time for PMP Exam Prep - Questions, Answers, & Explanations. Now packed with Over 1,100 realistic PMP sample questions to help you pass the exam on your FIRST try. In this book: 1100+ detailed PMP exam practice questions including condensed PMP mock exams that can be completed in one hour; Targeted PMBOK Performance Domain tests, Diagram questions, Agile questions; and detailed solution sets for all PMP questions which include clear explanations and wording, PMBOK Performance Domain, ECO Domain and Task; and page references; and reasoning based on the latest PMBOK Guide - Seventh Edition.
Includes FREE PMP exam formula reference cheat sheet! ["PMI", "PMP", and "PMBOK Guide" are marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.] Student Testimonials
"Just a quick note to let you know that these practice exams were a major part in my successful completion of obtaining my PMP. I think the most important part of this was not so much the actual answers, but more of learning what the questions were really asking. It made me think like the PMI. This helped my understanding immensely." Ken Gill, PMP - Program Manager, Information Systems Security Operations - Bentonville, Arkansas
"Sincere thanks for providing the practice exam questions with same look and feel as the actual exam, even though the exam format was new, I was able to pass by using the practice questions." Jaspal Khanna PMP - IT Manager, Alpha Tours - Dubai (U.A.E) "I passed the PMP exam on my first attempt! Prior to taking the real exam I did a few practice exams each day for a few weeks. As I discovered weak areas (easily identified from the exam results), I reviewed those areas to improve my knowledge. This process worked very well for me without taking a great deal of time each day (important when you have to work for a living)." George K. Hochschwender, PMP - Andover, NJ USA "I passed my PMP certification the first time! I contribute my success to these practice exams as one of my main study tools. The answer explanations cite locations within PMBOK. From my test experience the practice exam structures are one of the closest I found that mirrored the types of questions on the PMP exam." Teresa Rosenbaum, PMP - PBM Industry - Westminster, California "I found many of your questions to be similar in nature and difficulty to those on the actual exam. My overall score on the practice tests paralleled that on the actual exam. Passing these practice tests prior to sitting the PMI exam allowed me to take it with confidence. I found that taking the practice tests also sped up my answers and I completed the PMI exam with time to spare." D. Shannon, PMP - New Mexico, USA
Countless time and money is spent preparing for the PMP(R) exam. So why aren't students laser-focused on taking practice exams before attempting the real thing? Reflects the current PMP exam format, the PMBOK(R) Guide - Seventh Edition, and Agile Practice Guide!
The practice tests in this book are designed to help students adjust to the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the real Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. Geared towards anyone preparing for the exam, all tests include clear solutions to help you understand core concepts. If you plan on passing the PMP exam, it's time to test your knowledge. It's time for PMP Exam Prep - Questions, Answers, & Explanations. Now packed with Over 1,100 realistic PMP sample questions to help you pass the exam on your FIRST try. In this book: 1100+ detailed PMP exam practice questions including condensed PMP mock exams that can be completed in one hour; Targeted PMBOK Performance Domain tests, Diagram questions, Agile questions; and detailed solution sets for all PMP questions which include clear explanations and wording, PMBOK Performance Domain, ECO Domain and Task; and page references; and reasoning based on the latest PMBOK Guide - Seventh Edition.
Includes FREE PMP exam formula reference cheat sheet! ["PMI", "PMP", and "PMBOK Guide" are marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.] Student Testimonials
"Just a quick note to let you know that these practice exams were a major part in my successful completion of obtaining my PMP. I think the most important part of this was not so much the actual answers, but more of learning what the questions were really asking. It made me think like the PMI. This helped my understanding immensely." Ken Gill, PMP - Program Manager, Information Systems Security Operations - Bentonville, Arkansas
"Sincere thanks for providing the practice exam questions with same look and feel as the actual exam, even though the exam format was new, I was able to pass by using the practice questions." Jaspal Khanna PMP - IT Manager, Alpha Tours - Dubai (U.A.E) "I passed the PMP exam on my first attempt! Prior to taking the real exam I did a few practice exams each day for a few weeks. As I discovered weak areas (easily identified from the exam results), I reviewed those areas to improve my knowledge. This process worked very well for me without taking a great deal of time each day (important when you have to work for a living)." George K. Hochschwender, PMP - Andover, NJ USA "I passed my PMP certification the first time! I contribute my success to these practice exams as one of my main study tools. The answer explanations cite locations within PMBOK. From my test experience the practice exam structures are one of the closest I found that mirrored the types of questions on the PMP exam." Teresa Rosenbaum, PMP - PBM Industry - Westminster, California "I found many of your questions to be similar in nature and difficulty to those on the actual exam. My overall score on the practice tests paralleled that on the actual exam. Passing these practice tests prior to sitting the PMI exam allowed me to take it with confidence. I found that taking the practice tests also sped up my answers and I completed the PMI exam with time to spare." D. Shannon, PMP - New Mexico, USA