The highest form of knowledge is empathy...
The golden rule teaches us to treat others the way we like to be treated. However, it does not work all the time. According to Alfred Adler seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another is empathy. In the story "The Platinum Rule" a wise mother adds the component of empathy to our understanding of others and comes up with a better rule which works all the time: The Platinum Rule.
Dr. Mitra is an educator, speaker, and author with thirty-five years of teaching service in California. She has a MS and a PhD in Education from the University of Southern California. Besides spending time with her children and her pets, she enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, creating artwork, gardening, piano lessons, and cooking. She wrote her first story when she was six years old. She sold five copies to her friends, all a little different because she had to rewrite all of them from memory after the original one was gone. She earned twenty-five cents from the sale of her first book, but the priceless dream of someday becoming a writer was born. She hopes to soon publish that story as well as her other manuscripts, stories, and poems with the hope of sharing worthy messages and fostering the love of reading and writing in people of all ages. You can contact her at:
The author appreciates your purchase of this book. A portion of the net proceeds will be shared with Shriners Children's. She also appreciates the Pixabay Images for generously and freely sharing their beautiful art creations. The publication of this story would have been impossible without their generosity.